...by the National Center on Response to Intervention, Failure Free Reading's innovative non-phonic approach to intervention has been shown in numerous published studies to rapidly and dramatically boost reading outcomes for students who have not responded to regular and remedial reading instruction!
This online-only, short term special edition of Failure Free was designed to rapidly assess the responsiveness of Tier ll readers to our nationally recognized intensive language development-based non-phonic interventions -- while producing dramatic results in just 30 hours!
Each small group ticket provides access to two complete stories, or approximately 30 hours of intense instruction. Daily lesson materials for direct teacher instruction, web-based talking software review, and print reinforcement activities and independent reading. You WILL see changes in reading ability and attitude within the very first lesson!
Failure Free Reading meets the federal requirements for RtI reading interventions (Gersten, R., Compton, D., Connor, C.M., Dimino, J., Santoro, L., Linan-Thompson, S., and Tilly, W.D., 2008). Assisting students struggling with reading: Response to Intervention and multi-tier intervention for reading in the primary grades. A practice guide, (NCEE 2009-4045. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education), and aligns with the National Center of RtI's "Essential Components of RtI" for Tier ll solutions.
- Research Proven and Evidence-based
- Integrates Assessment and Instruction
- Culturally and Linguistically Responsive
- Recognizes Student Strengths
- Maximizes Student Achievement and Reduces Behavioral Problems
- Helps Ensure Appropriate Special Education Identification
- Print, Software-based Progress Monitoring Feedback
- Differentiated Learning Opportunities
- Uniquely Age-appropriate for "Non-readers" of All Ages
- Reduces Disproportionality and Overrepresentation
- English Language Learners Rapidly Assimilate Core English Academic Vocabulary